

False Gods of Today!

There is a war going on for our hearts today, whether we realize it or not.

Idolatry is alive and well and the biggest issue of our time. (Exo. 20:3-5; Exo. 34:14; Deut. 4:24)

We can't serve two masters. (Luke 16:13)

What is to be our first priority? (Mat. 6:33)

Three kinds of temples these gods live in today:

I. The Temple of Pleasure

  1. Food (gluttony)
  2. Sex
  3. Entertainment

How to escape from the temple of pleasure: Heb. 11:24-25.

II. The Temple of Power

  1. Success (pride)
  2. Money (1 Tim. 6:10; Mat. 25)
  3. Achievement (Luke 10:40-42; Luke 12:13-21)

III. The Temple of Love

  1. Romance (Gen. 29; 1 Cor. 7:32-34)
  2. Family (Gen. 22:2)
  3. Me (Phil. 2:4, 21; Eze. 28:2)

What temple am I worshipping in?

What God am I worshipping?

The lesson from Psalm 23:1-6, verse:

  1. God will supply all needs
  2. God will supply peace
  3. God will renew and won't lead astray
  4. God will lead through death's valley
  5. God will supply all needs
  6. God will take care of us now and through eternity

Consider the song 'Pierce My Ear'.

Do you serve an idol or the one true God?

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